Baby Joffrey and the life of the Elite

So yesterday the miraculous event happened when some beloved people gave birth to a beautiful little baby boy and all was right in the world.  I personally couldn’t give two flying excrement-stained nappies that this happened but a lot of other people do; you’d think Rafiki was back up on that rock holding a confused SImba in his hands while Elton John sang ‘The Circle of Life’, there are a few things different between the two events but you get the idea.  

I think they should call the baby Joffrey (Game of Thrones reference to all you who haven’t seen it – ‘spoiler alert’ FYI he’s becomes a young king at end of Seasons 1 and he’s a bit of a penis) because that would be an ending to this event that I would enjoy just a little.  I am assuming that if/when he becomes king he doesn’t have a mother in a secret incestious relationship with her brother (who is the king’s real dad) and his dwarf brother is the best character of the show; i’m assuming it won’t happen but it could.  

The way that the media and the general public flock around these events makes me think of how people are transfixed on reality shows and the life of the undeservingly rich and famous.  ‘Will they get back together, will she have her nails done in a new shade of pink, will i finally get a life?’ shows like The Only Way is Essex and Made in Chelsea amongst others depict created reality shows that just show rich morons wonder what to do with their millions and hours of time they don’t need to spend on real-life things such as having a job, paying the bills or buying food.  They make menial tasks and situations look so difficult; as if it takes up your entire life swigging Martini’s and choosing your next outfit from one of your designers for your next date with that guys fitness instructors ex boyfriends dogsitter.  Get a job, buy some clothes, step into reality and stop being a self righteous prick who’s problems are so difficult when daddy’s bath of money can’t just be thrown at it.  

I’m not making a comparison between the fake tan laden arseholes of reality TV and the state-funded royal family but is it really that amazing when a couple get married and have a baby, does it not happen every single day?  Those two seem quite genuine and nice, and actually work, and prince Harry is quite a laugh; maybe the public and media should just get off their back a little and let them get on with their lives.  

But again i’m voting for the name Joffrey, or Simba either one will do; and then christen it catholic with Harry as a godparent, i want to see what Prince Phillip has to say about that.